Archive of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society

The Vienna Psychoanalytic Society‘s archive contains the association‘s archive, including a. o. the minutes of the ›Psychological Wednesday Circle‹ and of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. The estates and bequests of psychoanalysts are also stored – to varying degrees –, among them those of Robert Hans Jokl, Alfred Winterstein, Harald Leupold-Löwenthal, Eva Laible, Ernst Falzeder and André Haynal.
The archive‘s holdings also include the VPS‘s ›Historical Library‹. The VPS‘s extensive library, which had already been set up during the time of the ›Psychological Wednesday Circle‹, was confiscated in 1928, as was the archive of the international psychoanalytic publishing house; little is known about its subsequent fate. The so-called ›Historical Library‹ contains only a few copies of the original collection, while a large part of it consists of donations and bequests from Alfred Winterstein, Anna Freud and of acquisitions by the VPS, among them the library of August Aichhorn, that was only recently acquired.
The holdings of the ›Historical Library‹ are recorded in the archive‘s electronic catalogue.
The archive is indexed partly by individual sheets and partly in the form of thematically organised bundles.
The archive holdings are indexed via the catalogue of the knowledge platform and can be viewed here (in German).
The archive can be used by appointment.
Soz. Päd. Thomas Aichhorn,
Dr. Christine Diercks,
Mag. Sonia Grassberger,