Knowing What Psychoanalysts Do and Doing What Psychoanalysts Know
David Tuckett; Elizabeth Allison; Olivier Bonard; Georg J. Bruns; Anna L. Christopoulos; Michael Diercks; Eike Hinze; Marinella Linardos and Michael Šebek - Assisted by Abbot Bronstein and Marie Rudden
Founded on the in-depth discussion of sixteen clinical cases of psychoanalysis, this book answers the question of what psychoanalysts do when they are practicing psychoanalysis. The authors have collaborated with over a thousand colleagues worldwide to collect a unique dataset of everyday clinical sessions, using a new workshop discussion method designed to reveal differences. Faced with diversity and wanting to surface and understand it, they had to evolve a new theoretical framework. This framework covers different approaches to the analytic situation (using the metaphors of cinema, dramatic monologue, theater, and immersive theater): different sources of data to infer unconscious content; differences in the troubles patients unconsciously experience and how to approach them; and differences in when, about what, and how a psychoanalyst should talk. Taking the form of eleven very practical questions for psychoanalysts to ask of each session they conduct, the framework helps experienced psychoanalysts and students alike determine their intention and independently assess their progress. A final chapter applies the new framework and practical questions to contemporary technical controversies with some surprising results.
The book can be ordered directly from the publisher Rowman & Littlefield.

Sigmund Freud Edition
Complete historical-critical edition
Digital version:
This historical-critical edition aims at publishing all of Sigmund Freud‘s writings in a primarily digital edition including also his early works, his oeuvre of letters and his estate, and applying uniform scientific criteria. The results of the editorial process are the recording of all sources (archive), the reconstruction of the genesis of the texts (critical apparatus) and – based on this – newly constituted texts.
The edition‘s database is currently being revised and is therefore off-line. Instead, the edition‘s website provides information on the edition and – to exemplify the editorial work – a few texts that were newly constituted as a result of the editorial process and amended with an apparatus of variants. The historical text sources are available in facsimile and diplomatic transcription.
Sigmund Freud Edition, FE (2012-). Historical-critical complete edition of all writings.
Psyalpha - Knowledge Platform for Psychoanalysis Knowledge platform on the history of psychoanalysis (in German) is a project of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society using the potential of electronic media for documenting, researching and communicating the history of psychoanalyis. The underlying database is a cross-institutional knowledge platform with versatile functions aiming at different audiences (experts, interested public, interdisciplinary research). The content is presented on different levels (texts, lists, facsimile editions, online exhibitions).