Counselling and Treatment


The counselling service of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Outpatient Clinic is available for individuals seeking psychotherapeutic help and wanting to talk about their problems confidentially in a protected environment.

As a rule, 2-3 appointments are necessary to clarify whether a psychoanalytical therapy approach is appropriate for the treatment of the problem in question. The opportunity to gain direct experience of the psychoanalytic approach during the initial sessions is an aid to decision-making.

Children / Psychoanalytic Parent Counselling

Psychoanalysis is also available for children and adolescents. Over the course of several initial consultations with the child and its parents or carers, the family’s concerns and problems are clarified, and a treatment proposal drawn up. In the case of problems with babies and toddlers, joint sessions with the parents are offered.

If psychoanalytical treatment is indicated and desired, a referral is made. Financially disadvantaged patients are given priority when allocating therapy places within the Outpatient Clinic itself.
If treatment at the outpatient clinic is not possible, we provide assistance with finding therapy places with colleagues in private practice.

Treatment Options

Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy
Psychoanalytical Parent Work
Parent-Infant Therapy

Types of Treatment

In psychoanalysis, a distinction is made between psychoanalysis as such and psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy. The differences concern the intensity of the therapeutic process and the formal and temporal framework.
Psychoanalysis is a method originally developed by Sigmund Freud to explore mental processes and is particularly suitable for making unconscious mental processes, i.e. those that are not accessible to self-observation, understandable and thus changeable.
Unconscious processes of this kind generally determine our behaviour, but can also cause suffering in the form of psychological and physical symptoms. The psychoanalytical exploration of the dynamics of these processes also has a therapeutic effect.

"Low-Fee" Therapy

After counselling there is also the possibility to opt for a “low fee” psychoanalysis or psychoanalytic psychotherapy. ‘Low fee’ therapy is provided by experienced psychotherapists in training and under supervision.